Why are assessments important for your business?
That’s like asking, “Why does my car have an instrument panel?” The answer: They are both early warning indicators. They can alert you to the need to fix something now before things begin to break down. It’s tough to identify or fix something if you don’t know what’s wrong. Employee assessments are like an instrument panel for employees, managers and owners. They can give you information on a new candidate before they are ever hired. And, they can give you a reading on the state of your workforce as it is now.
Employees are the greatest strength of any business. They are also the greatest area of expense. Your people can be the foundation of your competitive edge, or they can be your greatest source of frustration.
Since your people make such a big difference, doesn’t it make sense to get as much information as possible before you hire or promote someone? What about understanding the people who are already in your organization? Knowing more about their judgment and personality is an excellent start to increasing performance and productivity.
We use a variety of tools and approaches with our clients.
Success Insights® DISC
Success Insights® DISC analyzes behavioral style, that is, a person’s manner of doing things. In other words, this assessment measures external behavior.
Athene QuotientTM(AQ)
The Athene QuotientTM(AQ) is an outstanding assessment for all employees, from front line workers to senior executives. The AQ measures “Good Judgment.” Not only can good judgment be identified in new hires, it can be identified and taught to existing employees. Imagine if everyone in your company operated with the good judgment exhibited by your top employees. Simply put, the AQ assessment is the most effective predictor of employee and executive success in use today.
Kolbe A Index
The Kolbe A Index measures a person’s natural pattern of instinctive behavior.
Integrity Testing (VAQ)
The Integrity Testing (VAQ) assessment measures risk of theft, credibility, and risk of job-impacting substance abuse.
Personal Interests, Attitudes and Values (PIAV)
The PIAV measures a person’s values.
Through Team Analysis we offer several ways to identify group tendencies and behavior. Is your management team firing on all cylinders? No one person can be everything and do everything. Business truly is a team effort. Do you have a team that effectively balances people skills, work processes and big picture thinking? These and many more traits can be measured and feedback given to build and train a healthy and balanced teams that can lead your company through the toughest challenges.
A constant review process is also important to the health of your company. People can’t improve unless they know what needs improving. Call us about our simple reviews for owners, managers and employees.